Stop press!! It has just been confirmed that I will be doing a presentation for Macmillan on the English Campus at the TESOL conference in Rome. The date? Friday 23 September. Further details shortly. VERY much looking forward to visiting
The future of the Web
This is a subject that has bubbled away almost since the Web was born. This piece by Raphael Behr in today’s Observer newspaper called {{link,12597,1567143,00.html?gusrc=rss Access Denied}} gives a good summary of the issues although, in light of current
BESIG Issues
Issue 3 / 2005 of BESIG Issues has just been published. The CD-ROM / Internet page looks at Macmillan’s English Campus and a range of new CD-ROMs for business English. Congratulations to Oleg Tarnopolsky on another great “issue” (pun intended).
The timetable for the conference in Torun has been posted on the IATEFL Poland web-site – and it looks like it will be an exciting event! I am very much looking forward to my second trip to Poland this year
Teach Business English
Chapter seven of Evan Frendo’s new book “How to Teach Business English” (Longman) looks at distance learning. It includes a focus on E-learning and the Internet. Congratulations to Evan on the book, and many thanks for his reference in the
Podcasts and the dangers of viruses
My enthusiasm for podcasts continues. However, it is apparently possible for podcasts to infect your computer with viruses. I think the usual advice prevails about only downloading from reliable sources and keeping firewalls and anti-virus software on your computer operating
IATEFL, Poland
I am very pleased to be presenting at the forthcoming conference in Torun, Poland, this September. This autumn sees both myself and Barney involved in extensive travelling to various venues throughout Europe – please see the Events section on this
BESIG – Monaco
Full details of Barney’s session on the Internet and business English & Pete’s session on the English Campus at the BESIG Conference in Monaco this November are now available on the {{link BESIG web-site}}.
Virtually impossible? Pete's Gazette article reveals all….
“Virtually impossible?” is the title of Pete’s latest article on Blended Learning, appearing in the new edition of the EL Gazette. It outlines four scenarios involving the integration of IT with face-to-face teaching. See: EL Gazette August 2005, p. 21.
Podcasting: a slight return
Here’s a website called {{link Breaking News English}} that Pete drew my attention to. The author, Sean Banville, has set himself the heroic task of providing a daily lesson based on a news story. He describes it thus: Ready-to-use