Have just added another little 3-page “how to”. This time for the OBED CD-ROM. If you haven’t bought it, have a look at Pete’s {{link http://kevwes9.dreamhosters.com/pages/mat4teach/cd/cd_OBED.htm review}}. If you already have this fine book and CD-ROM, you can down the
Business Issues
The first 2006 issue of the BESIG magazine Business Issues is now out. The lead article is about Corpus Linguistics and Business English. On the Internet / CD-ROM page, Barney Barrett describes new ideas for searching, and there is also
ELT Conference, Bologna
The programme for the ELT conference in Bologna in March 2006 is now available on: {{link http://www.britishcouncil.it/bologna2006/prog/ Bologna Conference}} For details of Pete’s talk on Friday March 24, see the Events page on this site. Maybe – see you in
Developments in technology in distance learning
Developments in technology in distance learning Has there ever been a more exciting time to take a distance learning course? The range of technological options available has never been wider, and this article offers an overview of these technologies. The
Latest CD-ROM reviews
We now have reviews of two of the most recent Business English CD-ROMs available on the market. The new {{link http://kevwes9.dreamhosters.com/pages/mat4teach/cd/cd_OBED.htm Oxford Business English Dictionary}} and the {{link http://kevwes9.dreamhosters.com/pages/mat4teach/cd/cd_bus_write.htm Business Writing CD-ROM}} from York Associates.
New downloadable CD-ROM dictionary user's guides PDFs
Have just uploaded some PDF versions of quick guides to using two of the most popular CD-ROM learner’s dictionaries: Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary and Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English If you are a teacher click {{link http://kevwes9.dreamhosters.com/pages/mat4teach/cd/cd_dic_guides.htm here}} to download
Business Writing CD-ROM
Business Writing CD-ROM has just been released. It is the second disc in a series of CD ROMs for Business English, and the result of a joint project between York Associates and Konstanz University of Applied Sciences. This disc will
Future in the balance
“Future in the balance” is the title of the latest article from Pete Sharma, just published in the latest edition of English Teaching Professional, Issue 42 January 2006 Now available online to paid subscribers on {{link http://www.etprofessional.com English Teaching Professional}}
OneStop English and Guardian Weekly EVENT, IATEFL Harrogate
Event title: Meet the “Learner of the future” Event date: Tuesday, 11 April 2004 Chair: Pete Sharma Speakers include Caroline Moore and Miranda Hamilton I hope to see you there! {{link http://www.onestopenglish.com/ OneStop English}} {{link http://www.iatefl.org/conference.asp IATEFL conference}}
The latest edition of the IATEFL CALL Review is just out! It is a cracking issue – with articles from all over the world. A great job by outgoing editor Gavin Dudeney. See: Practical ideas for Blended Learning (Pete Sharma).