Macmillan have just emailled out the next Buisness English e-lesson. It’s on Time management. Visit: {{link E-lesson}} Hope you have time to click on the download and use it in your lessson next week!! atb Pete aka. the guru
Latest e-lesson
Hi there Macmillan have just sent out the latest e-lesson. Please visit: {{link E-lesson}} It is on the Mag-lev train. If you use it, Barney Barrett has just spotted this story – it may be of interest, too! {{link
An A-Z of technology in language teaching
Thanks to Grzegorz Spiewak for sending over the latest copy of The Teacher. It contains the article “An A-Z of technology in language teaching”. For more information on the magazine, please visit {{link The Teacher}} If you would like
ELTAF conference
The ELTAF conference programme has been posted to the ELTAF site. Or click here: {{link ELTAF conference programme}} What a great list of talks and speakers ;-) I look forward to seeing you there…..
New E-lesson
Ever wondered how much people earn? Macmillan have just sent out the latest business English e-lesson – on salaries! Visit: {{link E-lesson}} Enjoy!
E-lesson – Outsourcing
The latest e-lesson from Macmillan is available on: {{link E-lesson}} The lesson, about Apple’s recent investigation of working practices in one of its a Chinese suppliers, is on Outsourcing. Happy teaching :-)
Reviews in brief
The Reviews in brief column at the back of the EL Gazette is now sponsored by the Bournemouth English Book Centre. See: {{link Bournemouth English Book Centre}} A big thanks to the services of the Oxford English Book Centre
New technology in language teaching – article
New technology in language teaching The advent of a new technology in ELT seems to follow a pattern. Typically, something exciting emerges: podcasting, for example. The “early adapters” enjoy trying it out, and when interest grows, ELT applications begin to
E-lesson: International Commuting
Macmillan have just circulated “International Commuting” – the latest business English e-lesson. To download a copy, please visit: {{link E-lesson}} Happy commuting! Pete
An A-Z of ELT
Entries in Scott Thornbury’s new book, An A-Z of ELT, include: -computer-assisted language learning -computer-mediated communication -corpus & -webquests. The book is in the Macmillan Books for Teachers series. Future titles include our own (Barney Barrett and Pete Sharma’s) book