Delighted that the latest edition of the Newsletter on Blended Learning is going out overnight tonight….there’s still time to subscribe by visiting It includes a full review of the Cambridge Guide to Blended Learning in language learning and a lovely quote
Bells Educational Technology course – Homerton
I’m really enjoying training on this Ed Tech course. It’s great fun to co-run a course with my long-time partner in crime, co-author and buddy Barney. I have group /p/ and Barney has group /b/ Here are a few comments
Bells brilliant Blended Learning group
What a great week! this is my class here in lovely Cambridge. Here are a few student comments: Sander: What a great learning experience! Great group! Elena: One of the best courses I have attended and also one of the happiest
British Council Training event, Lithuania – Handout
Technologies and the Classroom 27 June – 1 July, Palanga, Lithuania This was a great event – so good to run my sessions between input from Russell Stannard and Nik Peachey. Here is the 2-page .pdf HANDOUT 30 Practical ideas for
Article in Modern English Teacher on Sonocent
The history of technology is full of examples of a technology created for one particular purpose and then being used in a wholly different way. Twitter is a well-known example. Created to update parents on their children’s whereabouts in short
Blended Learning in language teaching Newsletter
Have you subscribed to our new newsletter on Blended Learning? We are delighted to say that volume two is on its way and will be sent out at the start of June. Don’t miss out on this free newsletter –
IATEFL conference once again great for absorbing new ideas, catching up with friends and colleagues….great sessions which will enrich our forthcoming course on ICT on ELT.
Pete Sharma’s References – Medenine conference
Really, really enjoyed today at the Conference in Medenine. If anyone wants the references for my plenary session, here’s the download. Enjoy! References and further reading
Review of two books on Interactive Whiteboards in ELTJ
From Whiteboards to Web 2.0: Activating language skills with new technologies Martín Helbling Languages Implementing and Researching Technological Innovation in Language Teaching: The case of Interactive Whiteboards for EFL in French schools Whyte Palgrave Macmillan Few educational technologies are as
Caracas workshop – Handout
In my workshop today at the British Council event in Caracas (English – the way to go) – 30 Practical ideas for using digital technologies in ELT– I divided the ideas into four groups: ideas which need IWB software; ideas