There’s still time to benefit from the early bird registration fee for the next Blended Learning course!
Latest Interactive Whiteboards
This week, the Guardian’s technology in teaching supplement, The Link, included some very enthusiastic reviews of the newest interactive whiteboards and software from Hitachi, Promethean and Smart.
Technology workshop – 29th April, Oxford
Hi to everyone from Turkey who attended last week’s session on technolgy in Oxford. The web-sites suggsted by participants included many favourites, such as Google, OneStopEnglish, the BBC, British Council etc. Also, some interesting sites which I have put on
Blended Learning – Ireland
Thanks to everyone who came to the sessions in Cork and Dublin! Many of the web-sites suggested were well-known sites such as the BBC, the search engine Google, and ELT publishers sites like OneStopEnglish. Here is a handout with some
Pecha Kucha
The lastest e-lesson looks at a phenomenon from the world of presentations – 20 slides, 20 seconds per slide. To download the free lesson, vist the Macmillan business website. For more on the Petra Kucha evening at IATEFL, Exeter, see
Webucation: Berlin workshop (Hueber)
Thanks to all who cam to the session last Friday in Berlin. Here is the link to download a list of useful websites. Here is the link to download the handouts – Conditional conundrum and Dictionary Comparision. Many of the sites on
Review heaven
Sometimes life as a reviewer is heaven. Each day, the postman brings more books. The latest book I am looking at is in the Macmillan Vocabulary Practice Series and is called Science. It contains a word mapping tool for every
Macmillan's YouTube channel
Macmillan have started a youtube channel They will be adding videos from the IATEFL conference over the coming weeks. Video clips from various luminaries (Adrian Underhill, Scott Thornbury) have already been posted.
E-lesson takes over
Yesterday, I was in Ostrava in the Czech Republic, running a session on In Company for teachers teaching in company and In Company. Their students work in the automobile indsutry, and hopefully teachers and students will appreciate the latest business English
IATEFL conference, Exeter
Wow – just finishing the week at the IATEFL conference, where technology remains as vital and current an issue as ever….watch out for our next Newsletter which will include a conference report on the technology sessions!