Delighted to announce that Pete will be presenting at the next BESIG conference: New technology and the future of business English. This presentation will update teachers on some of the latest developments in technology; critically analyse these; and explore ‘best
Calling all coffeeholics……
Macmillan have just published the latest business English e-lesson, called ‘The future of Starbucks’. Enjoy it!
te4be Newsletter
Barney and I are delighted to say we have just sent out our second Newsletter. If you are subscribed, and have not received it, please check your spam mail. Drop us a mail if it has not arrived so we
Macmillan on YouTube
Some interesting videos here – including Adrian Underhill on pronunciation, plus videos with Scott Thornbury and Michael Hoey.
Reviews in brief – EL Gazette
The CD-ROM (Science – Macmillan Vocabulary Practice Series by Keith Kelly; Macmillan) is of tremendous value, allowing users to listen to the pronunciation of words and providing exciting mind-mapping software, as well as animations. To read the complete review, as
Latest business English e-lesson
Macmillan have just uploaded the latest e-lesson called ‘You’re fired!’. It is about the winner of the TV show ‘The Apprentice’ and focuses on being ‘economical with the truth’ at a job interview. Enjoy!
Online listening for the oil industry
BP’s 2007 annual report, which can be downloaded as a PDF from their website is accompanied by a set of downloadable MP3 recordings of the parts of the report. Although these are, no doubt, intended as an aid to BP
Interactive whiteboards: support site
Neil Ballantyne has devleoped a website which may be of interest to anyone who uses Promethean interactive whiteboards, or wants training on Activstudio software. It includes tutorials to help learn how to develop IWB content, plus an overview of the main tools of Activstudio.
mp3 audio – readers
Congrats to James Schofield on his two new readers for Summertown, entitled ‘Peril in Venice’ and ‘Ekaterina’. The CD contains the mp3 audio file of the whole text to download and listen to on a computer, or copy to an
Review – Blended Learning
Just stumbled across this review of our book on the English Teaching Professional site. ‘….should be a recommended buy for teachers and planners wanting to know more about what new technologies can offer’ Thanks to Viv.