Looks like everyone is talking about the world financial crisis. If you want something topical on the current banking crisis for use with your students, Macmillan have just posted the latest e-lesson. Hope you have a profitable experience!
CALL Review – Summer 2008
The latest CALL review has been posted to the Learning Technologies SIG website. It’s an unmissable issue……………….. Gavin Dudeney updates us on Second Life; Maurice Claypole revisits Hot Potatoes; Kevin Westbrook presages the beginning of the end for blended learning;Jason
Blended Learning up-date 4
The latest up-date for Blended Learning is now available to download from Macmillan’s website. It focuses on two topics: Things to consider when setting up a wiki for use by teachers in a language school or language training company with
Online listening – TED.com
Here’s a website that contains a large number of authentic videos that could form the basis for listening and discussion lessons with higher-level learners. TED.com hosts videos of presentations by a remarkable range of people including environmental activist: Al Gore, founder
Spam filter – Newsletter subscription
We believe that our Spam filter has prevented some subscription requests to our Newsletter getting through. If you have subscribed and NOT heard back from us – please just drop us an email and we’ll happily add you to our
Google Chrome – YouTube video
Thanks very much to Karenne Sylvester for suggesting this link to a video on Google’s new browser.
The latest business English e-lesson from Macmillan celebrates Google’s 10th birthday. So, stop searching for materials and download it now!
BESIG conference – Bonn: programme
The programme for the BESIG conference is now available. Hope to see you there! Pete
BESIG Issues
The Learning Technologies page The Learning Technologies page looks at a useful way to stay up to date with web content – using RSS. It then focuses on the mind-mapping feature on a CD-ROM at the back of a
IATEFL to repeat Pecha Kucha evening in Cardiff
Great news is that we’ll enjoy a repeat of the great Pecha Kucha evening at the next IATEFL conference. Slightly more disconcerting is that Pete has been invited by Lindsay Clandfield to do a Pecha Kucha presentation. Gulp….