Our new look website is being designed up as I type…and it already is looking fabby….cannot wait to see it uploaded…..
Change at the top – e-lesson
In case you missed it due to glitches in the blog, Pete’s most recent e-lesson is available here. It’s on the life and times of the man retiring from his position at the top of the British supermarket giant Tesco.
Paper books vs. e-readers
A recent survey suggests that it is faster to read a book on paper than using one of the popular e-readers on the market. The environmental blog TreeHugger was skeptical about this and had a closer look at the research.
The blog is back!!
Hello there. Our blog is back after a slightly extended technical hiccup. Sorry if you’ve been trying to drop by and catch up. Hopefully everything works fine now and, as a side-effect, I’ve learned a bit about fixing and restoring
Here is a graphics-lite version of the PowerPoint for the session: Networking in English at the BESIG summer conference in Rome.
Tools for the 21st Century Teacher: free eBook
Came across this freeĀ eBook from Michael Zimmer. Thanks to Chris Stanzer for the original tweet, and the free technology for teachers website.
Volcanic lesson
In case you missed the recent e-mail from Macmillan, please find the recent e-lesson on Vocanic Ash which erupted into the world of business English causing travel mayhem.
Schools and agents
The headline reads: Access is still the biggest problem for mobile learning in the business English classroom. Although proving effective, new technologies in the business English classroom still have many challenges associated with access in some parts of the world
DELTA Development blog
We have just added the DELTA Development blog to our blogroll. Enjoy…..
World of Work virtual conference – Cambridge
Did you miss it? Fret not….you can now view it by folloing this linkĀ on the UCLES site.