I have suddenly realised that autumn is full of trips…starting next week with IATEFL Poland. It’ll be great to re-visit Warsaw – the first time I was there it was dark and cold and I had flu’ and drank medicinal
The Learning Technologies Page – BESIG Issues Autumn 2011
Mr. Postman has just delivered my copy of the latest BESIG Issues The Learning Technologies page In this edition of BESIG Issues, The Learning Technologies page explores one of the key issues raised at the recent BESIG conference plenary session
In Search of the Lost IWB
In Search of the Lost Chord IW board All I want for Christmas summer is to teach with an IWB. I was quite pleased with my first room on pre-sessionals. I cannot grumble – I had an IWB. It was
Podcast on ‘Blended Learning’
The good people behind GLOBAL (Macmillan’s course book) have just posted a podcast. The listening is the author (moi) of the essay on this topic in the Teacher’s Book. Click here to visit the page and listen: Podcast on Blended
101 Practical Teaching Ideas
Hi to everyone I met in Brazil and an apology for the delay in posting! Click to download the PPT-lite version of the Workshop 101 Practical Teaching ideas run at the ACBEU and alumni conferences practical_ideas-lite Click to download the Word
Plenary sessions – Salvador and Sao Paulo
Whao – I’m slowly beginning to recover from my amazing trip to (bold beautiful brash brain-melting) Brazil. It was great to do the plenary sessions, firstly at ACBEU in Salvador, and then at alumni in Sao Paulo. Thanks to the
BESIG Summer symposium: plenary Handout
I hope everyone had a safe journey back from Preston. It was great conference – lots of like-minded people! Here is the four-page BESIG symposium from the opening plenary: Business English in the Digital Age. Enjoy!
Blended Learning – University of Guadalajara
Margarita says – “Innovative way of learning”. We are all enjoying (I think) the experience!
Mexico city
What a trip! Bizarre delay had us sitting on an aeroplane for hours at Heathrow. Missed the connection in JFK but a lovely lady from Delta got me on night flight to Mexico city. Arriving at half four and flying
New competition
Our next newsletter will be coming out soon. In the meantime, you can take part in our latest competition by going to the competition page and giving us a response to the question there. The page is here.