OMG – here it comes – don’t miss it!!! Just go now to the Learning Technologies SIG for more details!!!
Enter the Doki…an app that uses a games-like approach to great effect
One of the interesting developments in the past couple of years has been the proliferation of apps for language learning, and it seems everyone is getting in on the act. We have peripheral products, such as OUP’s rather over-priced and
Society of authors: talk and handout
Pete’s talk for the Society of Authors, London It was a great pleasure to go down to London last month and deliver a talk for the Society of authors. The talk was entitled: Challenge and Change in Educational Publishing. The
BESIG: Apps session – handout
I’ve been trying to collate all the apps mentioned by participants at the end of my session on Apps at the BESIG conference in Stuttgart …. so far to no avail! Thanks to the generosity of participants, there were so
TESOL Spain 2013
Our proposal has been accepted for TESOL Spain! The event is titled “Teaching with Technology and the Human Touch” and Kevin and Byron will be making a contribution entitled “Producing Materials for Blended Learning: Including the Individual”. It is scheduled
Social Media Web 2.0 – Dublin – Presentations and Handouts available
Wow – brilliant weekend in Dublin. I learnt SO much by being with like-minded people…..and people from different sets of experience – academic, gaming, social media…. You can download my plenary presentation, workshops slides as .pdfs and Handout from the
Here comes India’s Aakash…so what’s you’re mobile learning strategy now?
So you’re happy with your iPad? Of course you are. It’s sleek, fashionable and sexy. OK, it has a few irritating niggles. For example, it won’t handle Flash. There’s nowhere to upload files via a USB port, and attaching peripherals
Apptivities for Business English – BESIG Stuttgart
A huge thanks to everyone who came to my session on Apptivities at the BESIG confernce earlier this month. I am happy to post the PPT as a .pdf here. stuttgar-presentationt This will also be available on the BESIG wesbite.
Social media workshop
Starting the session on blogs – waiting for coffee!
Latest Macmillan e-lesson blog: Hurricane Sandy – calculating the damage
It struck last month with a force which made headlines round the world. Hurricane Sandy. In the Caribbean, it caused death and destruction. As it continued up the eastern seaboard of the United States, dramatic images of its effects on