We all have a book in us, so they say. Some, like Harper Lee, only one. Others, like Dickens, are a tad more prolific. Whatever your ambitions, once you start writing, you only have two options – keep it to
Sunday Blog: Yes, even a Chicken can Use an IPad!
During what must be the worst “summer” (ha ha rofl) in living memory our three hens have been floundering about in the muddy quagmire that used to be our garden, but are still producing eggs at the rate of one
Another one bites the dust…
I was sorry to see today that Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing – one of the oldest names in US publishing – has filed for bankruptcy along with twenty affiliated companies, including Broderbund and Classroom Connect. Houghton-Mifflin’s poor financial performance has
Sunday Blog: Coming home to Roost
Carrying on from last week’s chicken blog, you may remember we have three hens on their way, the gift of friends who are moving to San Francisco. The past few days has seen considerable evening woodworking activity in the garden.
Lulu, Squidoo and the Art of Publishing Yourself
Increasingly authors are realising that they can cut out the middlemen and produce their books themselves at minimal cost, and with (potentially) much better returns than the average ELT publisher can offer. Two of the best known self-authoring tools are Lulu and
Business Spotlight Launches New International Edition
It’s always good to report a new event in the publishing world. Of particular interest to those teaching business English was the launch, on April 11th, of Business Spotlight International. Edited by Ian McMaster, Business Spotlight has been well known
Business EnglishUK April 26th
An excellent conference at International House London on Saturday, as Business EnglishUKorganised their trainers’ day. The weather was appalling, which made being at the conference even more attractive! The opening plenary by Evan Frendo dealt with specificity and the complexities of teaching
Forget the iPad and the Whiteboard – here come Google’s goggles…
Just bought a £2000 interactive whiteboard? Or spent £500 on the next generation iPad? Dude, like, what a waste of your hard-earned cash. Whiteboards, as we all know, are so last century. What you should be doing is popping down
New ELT Author Agency Launches
Just back from the joys of IATEFL. The conference itself will have been tweeted, blogged and Facebooked to death by now, so I won’t mention it again, except to say (a) thanks to Jo, Kerry, Lucy and everyone else at
PSA announces New Partnership in Italy
We’re delighted to announce our new partnership in Italy with Digitalang, a leading ICT training organisation based on Trento, Nothern Italy. Digtalang is managed by Seth Dickens (there he is, on the left!), a really great trainer himself. We’re going to be