I was just asked for a list of the Top Ten software choices for Businss English learners. After some soul-searching, this is what I came up with:
-Oxford Business English Dictionary CD-ROM
-Macmillan English Dictionary – Second edition
-Telephoning in English (CUP)
-Business Presentations (York Associates)
-Business Writing (York Associates)
-The Business DVD-ROM (Macmillan)
-English 365 whiteboard software (CUP)
-In Company (series of CD-ROMs, Macmillan)
-Business Profile (OUP)
Macmillan English Campus
I’ve tried to stay away from General English stuff – but feel all BE learners need a dictionary (hence MED2 – it also has a words in ESP search function)
There are restrictions on Campus availability, so a compromise would be a sub-section (this is like High Fidelity!! Film reference – Jack Black) where they could get two Macmillan products instead:
Language Games (General English, but fun)
Move (for the electronic vocabulary notebook feature)
Best on pronunciation is likely to be new CD-ROM from CUP (English pronunciation in use)
Anything you would add? Mail us with you own thoughts and comments – or Top 10!