What a great weekend! It all started in Devon….

Thanks to everyone  who came to my session. Wow – so much to get through so we kinda ran out of time!

If you didn’t pick up a Handout with a couple of practical ideas using the IWB from the Macmillan stand afterwards, you can download it here: handout

If you would like the presentations (in a ‘lite’ vesrion i.e. not graphics hungry, then please click below.




The article – 10 things to do with an Interactive Whiteboard (polite version) – appeared in Modern English Teacher: MET Vol 19 Number 1 January 2010.


Thanks a million to Macmillan for sponsoring this talk, and to the conference organisers.

Afterwards, ma femme et moi explored Devon (Drogo Castle) and Cornwall…..:-)


South West TEFL Conference, Globe English Centre

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