Just to announce that in a joint project being run out of Manchester University, in conjunction with Cambridge University Press, two surveys are being conducted that look at the uses that technologies are being made of in language classrooms.
One is aimed directly at teachers and one at learners. These surveys are aimed at people who teach adults (both general and specific language) and their learners. The organisers want to reach teachers who do and don’t make use of technology.
The survey is the first stage of a research project. In the future, the team at Manchester will be looking for people to get involved in case studies. There is a planned book where people will be able to publish case studies.
The reserach is being conducted by, among others, my M.Ed tutors, Gary Motteram and Diane Slaouti. If you would like to participate (as this also will presumably have an impact on the direction taken by the publisher involved in the areas of technologies in ELT), please e-mail me and I can send you a link to the questionnaire.