
If we accept the premise that when it comes to learning languages, there are some things that teachers do well, others that the technology does well, and that a good solution to running a successful language course is the close integration of F2F and some form of on-line learning, then ā€œblended learningā€ offers us interesting and valuable models on which to base our courses. The teacher is good at devising the course programmes, conducting fluency lessons and answering difficult questions about grammar; the technology performs lightening-fast searches, offers a rich environment for doing listening and pronunciation practice and can provide unlimited interactive grammar activities.

This article will describe some practical teaching ideas which draw on blended learning models. It will look at a number of ways in which different technologies can complement face to face lessons outside the classroom ā€“ a ā€œdual trackā€ approach; and how they can be used in an ā€œintegrated approachā€ ā€“ pre, during and post lessons. It will start with four observations about technology in ELT and then will briefly describe the software and hardware mentioned in the article. The central section will offer some practical teaching ideas; and finally, I will make some concluding remarks and draw some implications.

The complete article “Practical ideas for blended learning” will appear in the next edition of {{link http://www.iateflcompsig.org.uk/index.htm IATEFL Call Review}} – The Journal of the Learning Technologies SIG

Practical ideas for blended learning

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