I love dictionaries. What’s more, my students love dictionaries. I remember when I first saw a CD-ROM dictionary. The presenter demonstrated, “If you don’t know a word in the definition, double-click on it, and you are taken immediately to a definition of that word!” This was my introduction to hyperlinks, and I was hooked. Since that memorable moment, I have used both print and electronic dictionaries with my learners, moving from CD-ROM to DVD-ROM, to online dictionaries and apps, deftly sidestepping the ubiquitous electronic dictionaries so beloved of my students.
For the complete article, please see “Using online dictionaries in English Language Courses’ (Pete Sharma) in the latest edition of Modern English Teacher Vol. 23/3
It’s a cracking issue with articles on augmented reality, designing mobile-based learning experiences, teaching through Skype and Blended Learning.