This is the fourth episode of Delivering Development, our podcast on continuing professional development for language teachers and administrators. You can listen to the episode below on the embedded player, and you can also listen and subscribe to this and future podcasts at the various locations shown at the bottom of the show notes.

We welcome comments and feedback, which can be left either here or at the various other locations where you can get our podcast. We also welcome information on specific CPD opportunities, such as online courses, webinars, conferences etc., and also suggestions for future topics.

Listen to “Episode 4” on Spreaker.

Listen to “Episode 4” on Spreaker.

Show notes


It is 26 September, 2019. Welcome to episode 4 of the Delivering Development podcast, helping language teachers and others in the field to enhance their professional development. My name is Kevin Westbrook, and with me today are Pete Sharma, Neil Bullock and Laura Styles.

Kevin introduced the first slot, looking at issues relating to self-reflection and suggesting some competency frameworks that teachers might want to use to help plan their professional development. Here are the links mentioned in that slot:

AdvanceHE –

British Council –

Cambridge English –

Open University –

Tech Tips

The links for the tips are below:

Kevin – social bookmarking

Diigo –

Neil and Pete – classroom voting system

Mentimeter –

Laura –  drawing aid

AutoDraw –


After the tips, Kevin started a discussion on general characteristics of ESP, based on Neil’s slot from last time on aviation English.

Pete’s publication

Focus on Vocabulary Learning Marlise Horst (OUP)

And here  is the link to EL Gazette, where Pete has a regular review column

Our podcast is hosted on Spreaker. This is the link to the show page:


This is a monthly podcast. You will be able to access it at the Pete Sharma Associates web site in the blog section. The address is is also available from and the usual podcasting aggregators such as Apple and Google. Links will be in the show notes that you can find on the PSA web site. Thank you for listening to Delivering Development. Check out our web site if you want to know more, and join us next month, when we will be looking at self-reflection, skills matrices and seeing how the introduction by Neil to aviation English can be generalised to ESP of all kinds. 

Delivering Development is also available at the following locations:


Apple Podcasts:

iHeart Radio:

Google Podcasts (might not yet be accessible outside the USA and Canada):


Contact details for the participants on this podcast:

Neil Bullock:

Laura Styles:

Pete Sharma and Kevin Westbrook: 


The intro and outro are by permission of Katrina Monis. You can find the album the music is from by this talented singer and musician here:

Sunny Day

Episode 4
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