This is the very first episode of Delivering Development, our podcast on continuing professional development for language teachers and administrators. You can listen to the episode below on the embedded player, and you can also listen and subscribe to this and future podcasts at the various locations shown at the bottom of the show notes.
We welcome comments and feedback, which can be left either here or at the various other locations where you can get our podcast. We also welcome information on specific CPD opportunities, such as the MOOC mentioned above, and also suggestions for future topics.
Listen to “Episode 1” on Spreaker.
Show notes
Last-minute news:
Just after recording, we heard of a MOOC being run by the British Council. It is on the subject of language assessment in the classroom and it is free. It started on 3 June 2019, but it is not too late to start. You can register for it here:
Welcome to the first edition of the Delivering Development podcast. It is 31 May, 2019 and this will be a relatively short edition where we talk a little about the concept of the podcast, what our goals are and what you can expect each month. The “we” in that sentence are Pete Sharma, Laura Styles, Neil Bullock, and I am Kevin Westbrook. They will be introducing themselves shortly.
Kevin spoke about an article he was involved in about CPD and professionalising the EFL industry. The link to the Guardian article is here:
Kevin also spoke about a blog post he had read the night before recording the podcast. It is titled: “Is being a great teacher actually impossible?” and the link is here:
This is the link to Pete’s publication
And here is the link to EL Gazette, where Pete has a regular review column
Our podcast is hosted on Spreaker. This is the link to the show page:
Delivering Development is also available at the following locations:
Apple Podcasts:
iHeart Radio: awaiting link from provider
Google Podcasts (might not yet be accessible outside the USA and Canada):
Contact details for the participants on this podcast:
Neil Bullock:
Laura Styles:
Pete Sharma and Kevin Westbrook:
This will be a monthly podcast. You will be able to access it at the Pete Sharma Associates web site in the blog section. The address is It is also available from and the usual podcasting aggregators such as iTunes. Links will be in the show notes that you can find on the PSA web site. Thank you to Laura, Neil and Pete for their contributions today. Thank you for listening to Delivering Development. Check out our web site if you want to know more, and join us next month, when we will be looking at what constitutes development and needs analyses.