Just a note for those keen on reading about technology.
ELT Journal has just published two book reviews:
Language Learning Online: Towards Best Practice
Using the Web to Support Language Learning
U Felix (ed.)
Swets and Zeitlinger B.V.2003, 214 pp., £45.00
ISBN 90 265 1948 6
DE Murray and P McPherson
NCELTR Macquarie University (www.nceltr.mq.edu.au) 2004, 95 pp., A$16.50
ISBN 1 74138 102 9
If you would like to read the reviews, please click here: {{link http://eltj.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/60/3/309?ijkey=ewzzj3XipHE1Exk&keytype=ref ELTJ Reviews}}
Or see: ELT Journal Volume 60, Number 3
ELT Journal