Wow – what a FANTASTIC weekend…… Paris in June……

It was great to catch up with folk and a huge THANKS to everyone who came to my session on Apps on Saturday morning. Also to the fabulous BESIG online team and to Chia Suan for her phabby foto (left) of proceedings.

Here is the PowerPoint Paris as a .pdf

Here is the CORRECT link to The Round for a free sample of our forthcoming e-book!

I will need some time to prepare the Handout of suggested Apps – thanks to everyone who gave me a suggestion on a piece of paper or to the global audience for typing in ideas to the chat-box – I’ll get onto typing them up while watching England’s progress in Euro. Will aim to post the Handout later this week

Wishing you all ‘appiness…………..(look, i resisted saying that in Paris!!)

BESIG Paris symposium – PPT of Apptivities

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