I was leafing through my copy of ‘Throw Off Your Clothes And Live’. I buy it for the chess problem … …

Sorry, with apologies to Kenneth Horne, I’ll start that blog post again

I was leafing through my copy of BESIG Issues Summer 2011 Issue 78. I subscribe to it for Pete and Barney’s Learning Technologies page….

Anyway, I came across two practical teaching ideas: Stock Market Trends and Drawing Directions, which uses GoogleEarth.

Two practical teaching ideas practically free.

These ideas do NOT appear in 400 Ideas for Interactive Whiteboards, a book which (of course) I wouldn’t mention nakedly in this blog post as I have mentioned it before (repetition), although it doesn’t deviate from the subject. By now, a copy may well be being leafed through by yourself, or else it is already nestling on your bookshelf for perusal later…..


BESIG Issues Summer 2011 Issue 78

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