We are really looking forward to running our workshop on Learning Technologies next week in Croatia.
We are taking a snap-shot of business English now, using the cross-section of attendees to establish:
Where are we now? Where do we go from here?
We are preparing a list of key topics to discuss.
Pre-workshop task
We would like the participants to discuss areas of most interest and concern to them.
If YOU are coming along on Sunday morning, 20th November, please send us a short mail with the topic (or topics) which you would like to discuss.
You can use the COMMENT box below, or use the mail link on this website. Click here for mail link.
Please include your name. Please mail us before end of Tuesday 15th November!
Thanks very much in advance for contacting us – it will help us include YOUR ideas and ensure that the session is of most use and relevance to participants.
(Note: we will be announcing this pre-session task on a number of forums. Apologies for cross-posting).
Kevin and Pete will be writing up the results of the workshop for distribution afterwards through channels such as the BESIG newsletter and our website.
Enjoy your trip to the conference!